A new alternative health and therapy clinic in Thame town centre, Oxfordshire

Energy Healing and Reiki

Energy Healing and Reiki, Thame

Erica Lowe, Psychotherapist, Reiki and Energy Healer

Erica Lowe, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner and Energy Healer

Erica has been working with Reiki and Healing Energies for 15 years. Initially training in Usui Reiki to Master level Erica has also trained in Angelic healing, Shamanic practices and working with Crystals.  She loves this work for what it has the capability of opening within one’s life, the kindness inherent in the energy and the deeply profound connection to universal love that it carries with it.

And it’s so useful. A wonderful accompaniment alongside any talking therapies or medical interventions, it’s also a powerful support on its own. You can use it to bring in healing for your body; help you move through difficulty; improve wellbeing; or keep you aligned to yourself and your purpose in the world.

Whatever the reason you feel drawn to this work, she is able to offer sessions with either pure Reiki or combination Energy Healing depending on what could be of most use to you in your particular situation.

Drop Erica an email at contact@ericalowe.org or give us a call on 01844 212 829 and she’ll be happy to discuss working with you.

Cheryl Howland Reiki Healer Thame

Cheryl Howland, Reiki Master, Angelic and Energy Healer

The word reiki translates as Rei (universal) Ki (life). It is an ancient healing technique that originated in Japan and involves the concept of life force energy. This energy flows through all living beings. Any imbalances in this energy can lead to emotional, physical & health issues.

Reiki practitoners use hands-on or hands-off approach, placing their hands on or slightly above the recipients body. They act as a conduit allowing the healing energy to flow from them to the recipient, which stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself  and restore balance to body, mind and soul. 

I have always been spiritual, from a young age I could see and communicate with spirits, but I didn’t pursue this as it wasn’t perceived to be  ‘normal’. Later on in life I rediscovered my passion for anything spiritual. Tarot cards, crystals, meditation and yoga. My reiki journey began after a sudden traumatic breakdown of my long term marriage. It enabled me to navigate the emotional rollercoaster that ensued

Cheryl has an empathetic passion for healing people, enabling them to live their lives, more aligned and in flow.

If you would like a chakra scan and rebalance or a reiki/energy healing and you feel drawn to work with Cheryl, please contact cheryl.howland@gmail.com or call 07907 676591